Supported by a grant of the Romanian National Authority for Scientific Research, CNCS-UEFISCDI, project number PN-II-RU-PD-2011-3-0041.

Method and approach

Through the proposed research we wish to make up a more complete picture of the problem of illegal relationships, illegitimate births and divorces caused by sexual deviations at the Hungarian population of Transylvania. We tried to select original sources which give us the possibility of conducting the same analysis at all three religious communities, sources that complement one another thus providing the possibility of controlling data. We are proposing the analysis of the registers of civil status, the visitation protocols and the protocols established by the forums with the right to treat matrimonial cases.
We are going to resort to quantifying, processing the sources breaking down to years and decades the information referring to:
– the number of illegitimate births and that of births in general,
– the number of illegal relationships attested by the visitations, categorizing these deviations on the criterion of the existence of an illegitimate child, respectively the duration of these relationships, and whether it is cohabitation or adultery
– the number of divorces caused by sexual deviations (by category: adultery, adultery attested by the existance of an illegitimate child, concubinage) and the overall number of divorces.
The goal of these investigations is knowing the tendencies that manifested on the long term about illegitimacy and marital non-conformity. Great importance falls also on the nominal, the qualitative analysis (cohort studies) that will allow correction of the statistical data, knowledge of the underside of the investigated phenomena, tracking down the fate of those involved in illegitimate relationships, that is entering the deepest intimacies of the individual’s life, and monitoring the changes in the set of values and in the morality of the population subject to study.

According to the categories of the enlisted sources I have structured the research into three phases:

1. The researched topic: Illegitimate births as part of overall birth rate
Archival sources: Registers of civil status.We are proposing for research the registers of the Roman Catholics, the Reformed and the Unitarians from Odorhei and Cristur. We have chosen three larger localities from different areas: Corund (Roman Catholic population), Eliseni (Reformed population) and Dârjiu (Unitarian population).
Investigated Problems:
– the number of illegitimate births and their development
– the status of women giving birth to illegitimate children
– women with more than one illegitimate child
– factors (economic, social, etc.) that might have influenced the evolution of illegitimacy
differences and similarities between the studied Roman Catholic, Reformed and Unitarian communities (covering all the issues listed above)
differences and similarities between the urban and rural areas (covering all the issues listed above)

2. The researched topic: Illegal relationships, community and church response
Archival sources: Canonical visitations
Investigated problems:
– the number of illegitimate relations noticed in the canonical visitations and their type: fornication before marriage, adultery, concubinage
– trends that have occurred over the centuries in the sexual deviations
– types of the noticed illegitimate relations, sexual deviations before marriage and deflections of married people
– recidivist cases
– assessment of these relationships by the society, the functioning of the self regulation
mechanisms of the society
– church response, methods of influencing collective morality
differences and similarities between the urban and rural areas (covering all the issues
listed above)
differences and similarities between the studied Roman Catholic, Reformed and Unitarian
communities (covering all the issues listed above)

3. The researched topic: The dissolution of the family group
Concubinage, an alternative to marriage
Archival sources: Protocols of the matrimonial courts at the Unitarians and Reformed, respectively the matrimonial documents at the Roman Catholics
Investigated problems:
– events preceding divorce and the stages of family breakup
– evolution of divorce, „periods of crisis”, causes of oscillations
– duration of marriages broken by divorce
– age structure of the divorced
– causes of divorce
– proportion of divorces initiated because of illegitimate relationships and their evolution
– adultery and concubinage
– factors that have influenced the evolution of marital non-conformity
– adultery, a specific sin of women?
– illegitimate children
– reaction of the society (based on testimonies) and its evolution, differences in reaction of the
society to the sins of women, respectively to the deviations of men, changes in the collective
– church reaction
– remarriage of the divorced
– divorce after divorce, percentage of the recidivists
differences and similarities between the urban and rural areas (covering all the issues
listed above)
differences and similarities between the studied Roman Catholic, Reformed and Unitarian
communities (covering all the issues listed above)