Supported by a grant of the Romanian National Authority for Scientific Research, CNCS-UEFISCDI, project number PN-II-RU-PD-2011-3-0041.

The Project

Nowadays we are witnessing changes in the attitude and behaviour about marriage, cohabitation, divorce, children out of wedlock, sexuality. We are living in an age when together with the growing number of consensual couples, an expansion trend is recorded of children born illegitimate, and divorce is just a routine, performed as naturally as marriage itself. This tendency is a growing one also in Romania, as far as the evolution of illegitimacy, divorce and the cohabiting relationships are concerned, even if for example the divorce rate is lower than in other European countries. There are multiple causes of the present situation, those being different from one region to another depending on the psychology, behaviour and customs of communities. In order to find answers to these phenomena, we have to investigate first what happened in the past.
Our research refers to the 19th century in time, and in space it generally extends to Odorhei District, over which partially overlap four ecclesiastical administrative units with different borderlines: the Roman Catholic District of Odorhei, the Reformed Diocese of Odorhei and the two Unitarian Deaneries having their centres in Odorhei, respectively in Cristur. We are researching the evolution of illegal relationships, illegitimacy and divorce, focusing on sexual deviations, adultery, cohabitation and children out of wedlock as being the cause of family disintegration. We are attempting not only a quantitative approach to the problem, but a qualitative analysis at the same time, directing attention to the common man who can not be detached from the world he lives in and the mentalities of the cohabiting group. We are planning an introspection to the most hidden intimacies of the individual’s life and monitoring the changes in the set of values and in the morality of the population studied.